New litter A


When I got my first Brabant from Mrs. Jana Mikulecka from Silvano kennel in 2002, I had no idea what the consequences would be :) Griffons and Brabants are really contagious, they infect you with their sweet presence and unpretentiousness. They charmed me and the whole family and today they just belong to us.

The first litter was born in our kennel GRAND PETROS in 2007 and today I am planning puppies that will again get names starting with the letter A. Actually they should be such A twins. They should be born after 17 years of A ones.

Well, let's see how it all works out, and most importantly, that Toulitka GRAND PETROS likes her suitor Kuki Mont Arwen. Kuki is grandson of our Kopretinka GRAND PETROS (her mother is Hella of Baluchistan) and grandfather is Deep In My Heart MONT ARWEN, who was adopted by Bazalka GRAND PETROS and grew up together with Toulitka's father, Genius GRAND PETROS. Those of you who have managed to follow me, you are great! But I think most of you need to give it another go. :)